once a dog knows the what you want lets say "leave it" is what you say to roll them off a hog it will work on anything if you train the dog to back off. if the dog reverts back then run a collar on him and remind him a time or two and he'll listen. I train all my dogs to leave it. If the dogs are worth running no matter what type bird dogs, labs or hound dogs they will have the drive too back off when you want them too and still go get the next animal.
you can get a dog to listen and leave anything if you teach him in a controled condition first and in my training if you train them young they are easier to control in the hunt. it is getting the dog to trust you the collar only reinforces your training. I will be in east texas wells area soon would show how easy it is to collar condition a young or old dog.
dog collars are wonderful tools to teach any breed dog what to do, in any game. The trick is to learn how to use your collar and to teach the dog what you want in a nuetral setting (collar conditioning) if you teach him to leave it as i like to say or just to come he will respond in the field say his name and comand then nick him if no resonse goto next level and tryy again till he respones then get him on game so life is fun again. I'm not the god on dog training but i know him HA HA im on tri-tronics pro club and have trained as a pro for years taking care of 50 plus dogs at a time. I start pups at 4 to 6 months on collar conditioning. hope this helps
I would wait a while and see if they work it out,If you do use a collar put it on the flank of the dog with the reciever on the belly and when the dog shows aggression give it a mild shock and no words said he will turn to see what got his back side and once he figures out he can't win the fight he will stop trying. Putting it on the neck makes them think they are getting bit and fight harder.