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1  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: Double U Supply $100 Gift Certificates... October on: October 08, 2012, 09:26:30 pm
2  THE CLASSIFIEDS / CLASSIFIED ADS / Yamaha Grizzly 600 on: August 22, 2012, 07:17:29 pm
Yamaha 600 Grizzly ATV 4 Wheeler
 Starts and runs good.
 Over sized rims and tires
 Heavy Duty Skid Plates
 All four wheel pull
 Just had all the brakes replaced and serviced
 Extra Bright lights on front
 Racks front and back
 Gun rack on front
 Box with tail gate on rear. (removable)
 Set up for Hog Doggin !!!
 Push bar with winch mount. (no winch)
 seat has duct tape on it. Pit bull decided he liked it.
 I think its a 98 model
 This is a Great Old Machine...
 Has served me well....
I am wanting to move to a Side By Side UTV. Gettin Old !!!
Will trade for good working Lifted Electric Golf Cart.
Will trade for finnished Strike Dog - Must be proven in woods.
Will sell for $2000 cash

keith@hogsgonewild.org - 713-410-6066
3  HOG & DOGS / HOG HUNTING CONTESTS / Hogs Gone Wild – Wild Hog Round Up - CANCELED on: March 28, 2012, 09:23:19 am
We are sorry to announce due to a lack of interest, we have we have decided to cancel the Hogs Gone Wild – Wild Hog Round Up !!! We will try to have it earlier in the season in 2013. We are still having the mud event and concerts so come on out & spend the weekend with us. Mud Hoggin & Music, General Sam’s Mud Park, Huntsville Tx. For information please visit http://www.hogsgonewild.org/mud-hoggin-music/ . Proceeds go to support our Military Families.
4  HOG & DOGS / HOG HUNTING CONTESTS / Re: Hogs Gone Wild --- Wild Hog Round Up on: March 10, 2012, 01:07:18 pm
Here is the web site link...
5  HOG & DOGS / HOG HUNTING CONTESTS / Hogs Gone Wild - Wild Hog Round-Up - Registration Form on: March 10, 2012, 12:54:56 pm
Here is the link to our Registration Form.
You can fill it out and fax to 832-201-7955 or email to info@hogsgonewild.org
We will email you a paypal invoice to pay or we should have it on the web site in the next few days.
You can also mail the form & check to HGW - 15932 Cypress North Houston Rd, Cypress Tx 77429

We are having a MUD, Hoggin and Music weekend...
While the hunt is going on, there is lots for the non-hunter to do...
Help Us Spread the word...
Check out our event page on FaceBook ... http://www.facebook.com/events/242670385824233/
"Join" the event and "Share It" with your facebook friends, we are trying to get it to 25,000 people before the event.

Also our web page for the event which out lines all we have going on... 2 bands Friday Night, 2 Bands Saturday Night, the Lady Hoggers are spending the weekend with us and the guys with the "WOUNDED WARRIER PROJECT" will be there.

Thank You for Helping Us Help Others
6  HOG & DOGS / HOG HUNTING CONTESTS / Hogs Gone Wild - Wild Hog Round-Up - Rules on: March 06, 2012, 04:30:31 pm
Hogs Gone Wild – Wild Hog Round Up
Catch & Tie, Live Hog Weigh-In
March 30 – April 1st

Registration must be completed by 12 Noon on March 29th. All team members are required to furnish their hunting license number during registration.
All registered teams must check in by phone on Friday March 30, 2012 between 3-5 PM by calling 713-410-6066 and the contest begins at 5PM.
Entry Fees:
$300 - Per 4 person team
100 % Pay Out – for 5 heaviest hogs – 1st Place 50%, 2nd Place 30%, 3rd Place 20%
$100 - Side Pot
100% Pay Out  - Biggest Hog 50%, Biggest Stringer (total number of pigs) 50%
In the case of a tie for any team placing in money spots, the team with the heaviest single hog wins

Weigh-in will be Sunday April 1st, 2012 from 9:00am to 12 noon.
Each team will weigh in their five (5) Heaviest Hogs, as well as all hogs to be entered in the side pots
All teams and hogs must be in line for weigh-in by 12 noon Sunday. NO Excuses or Exceptions!!!
Team captain must be present at weigh-in.
There will be a 100 lb. minimum weight limit on all hogs brought in to the weigh-in.

Hog Care and Condition:
Teams should minimize stress & damage to hogs. Hogs should be moved to holding trailer and un-hobbled as soon as possible. To be eligible to weigh-in, a hog must walk off the holding trailer under its own power. Hogs shall not be carried in any way.

Rules & Regulations:
It is each team’s responsibility to receive, review and understand a current copy of the rules of this event.
Once the registration is received, there are no refunds of entry fees or substitutions of team members.
Registered 4 person team must hunt together at all times & only these 4 persons may hunt during this event.
Any team or its member(s) found trying to cheat will be disqualified and will forfeit their entry fee.

A polygraph will be used to enforce the rules of this event. Failing the polygraph or refusing to take it will result in disqualification.
Hogs must be caught between the hours of 5PM Friday March 30th and 12PM Sunday April 1st 2012.
Hogs must be wild feral hogs, dog caught only, tied and kept alive until weigh-in. No other means of capture will be acceptable.
Hogs must be caught on free range properties. Hogs cannot be caught on any property surrounded by any type of game proof fence. No previously trapped or penned hogs.
Each registered team can have two (2) helpers. Helpers can assist in all aspects of the hunt and may handle dogs and hogs at any and all times during the hunt. Only two (2) helpers are allowed per team.

Each registered team may be accompanied by spectators but spectators shall not handle any dogs or touch any hogs while the team is in the act of hunting. Spectators may only assist in the care and trailering of hogs only after they have been released in the holding trailer by a team member or helper.

All dogs on the weigh-in premises must be kenneled.

No disorderly conduct, such as cursing, fighting, or rude behavior will be tolerated at the weigh-in.
No guns, knives, or weapons of any sort can be displayed or worn on the weigh-in premises.

Violation of any of these rules will result in the entire team being disqualified removed from the weigh-in premises.
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