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1  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: saying goodbye to ethd on: March 27, 2012, 08:12:45 am
Sorry your are leaving. On a side note; provide shelter to your dogs, and exposure to your children....
2  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: names on: March 26, 2012, 11:03:55 am
Bam-Bam: Blockhead fl Cur/Boxer cross (strike dog; 1yr) He got his name from a friend and it just stuck.

Ace: 1/4 rednose/ 1/4 Am.bulldog/ 1/2 bird-bull (Catchdog prospect; 10wks) Chose the name Ace as he is strong and fearless ,and in game-dog terms glossary an Ace dog is "a pit dog of exceptional ability and skill, with more wins than a grand champion, over the best".  

Here is a copy of the Game-Dog Glossary:
Ace - A pit dog of exceptional ability and skill, with more wins than a grand champion, over the best
ADBA - American Dog Breeders Association; The American Pit Bull Terrier Registry since 1909. The largest registry of American Pit Bull Terriers
Adenovirus - An infection causing respiratory disease which in severe cases may include pneumonia and broncopneumonia
Afterbirth - The placenta and involved membranes expelled from the uterus after delivery
Alaunt - A large Irish fighting dog, now extinct in a pure form. Part of the American Pit Bull Terriers heritage
American Pit Bull Terrier - The American game bred fighting dog, bred from the original Bulldog and diverging original Bulldog variations, used for baiting, fighting, and hunting in England, Ireland, Scotland and Spain, and for similar purposes since ancient times. The American Pit Bull Terrier being the most effective fighting dog ever developed. The most versatile and obedient canine in the history of man and dogs. The greatest, separate and distinct breed of dog
American Staffordshire Terrier - A separate show portion of the American Pit Bull Terrier, known as the AKC registered Staffordshire Terrier beginning 1936. American was later affixed to distinguish the difference between the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. The American Staffordshire Terrier has been bred along different lines than the American Pit Bull Terrier for purposes similar to all show breeds. They have obtained outstanding show conformation. The AKC show dogs are now being infused into the American Pit Bull Terriers through single registrations and some American Pit Bull Terriers are being bred similar to show breeds
Analgesia - The loss of ability to feel pain with the loss of the power to move a part of the body or consciousness
Anal Gland - A gland located 2 inches inside the rectum on males and females for alimentary canal elimination. Draining frequently improves coat, health, and guards against infections
Anesthetic - Producing insensibility to pain or sensation
Anestrous - When a female does not come into heat or breeding season
APBA - American Pit Bull Association
APBT - American Pit Bull Terrier
Applehead - A round topskull, a domed skull
Artificial Insemination - To artificially introduce semen into a females genitalia without copulation
AST - American Staffordshire Terrier
Badger Baiting - The old English sport of baiting badgers with dogs
Bear Baiting - The old English sport of baiting or attacking bears with dogs
Beauty Spot - Usually roundish colored hair on a blaze of another color
Beefy - Over-development particularly of the hindquarters
Bitch - The female dog
Black - The darkest color, sometimes appearing with lighter hue or tint
Black Country - A place near Birmingham, England where pit fighting was big at the turn of last century. They bred only for gameness by process of elimination, culling
Black Nose - The common black leather colored nose exhibited on American Pit Bull Terriers of all coat colors
Bladebone - The scapula or shoulder bone
Blaze - A white mark or stripe on the face or head, usually between the eyes
Blocky - A square head
Blood Vessel - A tube for the circulation of blood
Blood Stopper - A powder for the checking and stopping of minor bleeding
Bloom - Dogs in top condition are in full bloom; glossiness of coat
Blue Paul - A grizzle colored Scottish fighting dog of the middle 1800's originally known as a Blue Poll, now extinct in a pure form. Part of the American Pit Bull Terriers heritage. Often of other colors
Boar Baiting - The sport of baiting or attacking boars with dogs
Bossy - Over-development of the shoulders
Breaking Stick - A round or wedge shaped stick used for the parting of fighting dogs; parting stick
Breech - To deliver offspring hips first
Brindle - A mixture of dark streaks with lighter colors such as brown, buckskin, red, and yellow; brindled
Brisket - The part of the body between the chest and neck, the front part of the chest
Broken Color - A color broken by white or another color
Brood Bitch - A female used for breeding; matron
Brucellosis - A highly contagious and infectious disease associated with abortion in bitches in the last quarter of gestation, sterility, and stillbirths. A testicle trouble in male dogs. It can be diagnosed through blood tests. Infected dogs should be isolated
Buckskin - A light bay color; a pale fawn or wheaten
Bull Baiting - The sport of baiting or attacking bulls with dogs
Bull Club - A cudgel once used to beat a bull until it expired
Bulldog - The original Bulldog, an old time dog of strong muscular build, used in the sport of baiting bulls, remarkabe for its courage; a nickname for the American Pit Bull Terrier; The brachycephalic type show dog with physical setbacks that descended from the original Bulldog
Bull Fight - The sport of baiting a bull in public view
Bull Running - The old English sport of chasing bulls with men, women, and Bulldogs
Bull Snap - A strong device for attaching a pit dog to a chain
Bull Terrier - A show dog of three varieties, once used in rat pits, of Bulldog and Terriers; the offspring of a Bulldog and Terrier
Burr - The inside part of the ear visible to the eye
Butterfly Nose - A parti-pigment colored nose
Button Ear - The edge of the ear which folds to cover the opening of the ear by doubling upon itself
Canine - K-9; Animals of the family Canidae, which include fox, jackal, wolf and dog; a large conical shaped tooth
Canines - The four large conical shaped teeth in the front of the mouth between the first bicuspids and the incisors
Castrate - The surgical removal of the testicles on a male dog
Catch Dog - A dog used for catching large wild game
Catch Weight - A heavyweight dog
Cat Foot - Round, tight, high arched feet with well developed knuckles resembling a cats; opposite of a splay-foot
Catmill - A T-shaped pole cemented in the ground with a swivel device allowing it to turn in a circle, with a harnessed dog on one end of the crossbar and caged bait such as a cat or coon on the other end, used for conditioning and shaping; horse-mill
Chain Weight - The weight of a dog right off a chain or directly from its natural housing
Champion - CH.; recognized on paper as winning a specified amount of contract matches
Character - The general appearance or expression that is typical of the breed or dog; trait
Cheeky - Fat, protruding or thick cheeks
Chest - The part of the chest which extends between the forelegs from the brisket to the belly, not the brisket
Chops - Jowls or pendulous lips; flews
Chromosomes - Any of the bodies in the nucleus of a cell that contain chromatin and genes that carry heredity before cell division takes place; they occur in pairs, one derived from the mother, the other from the father
Cloddy - Thick set; plodding
Cobby - Short-bodied; compact; well ribbed
Coccidiosis - An intestinal of parasitic nature and origin
Collar - Usually a white marking, resembling a collar around the neck; a band or chain worn around the neck
Colloids - Plasma protein albumin and synthetic complex carbohydrate solutions. A one to one blood loss replacement, to expand blood volume and pull tissue into the blood stream
Colostrum - A secretion of the mammary gland of the bitch following birth that acts as a purgative for the young and contains antibodies
Conditioner - A person who conditions and shapes a pit dog for a pit contest
Corky - Active and alert; lively and spirited
Couplet - A device for a brace of dogs
Couplings - The body between the withers and the hip bones, being long or short coupling
Courtesy Scratch - To face the dogs in the pit and release the loser to see if he will attempt to cross the pit and fight, thereby testing gameness Cow Hocked - When the hocks turn inward or toward each other like a cows
Crest - The arched portion of the back of the neck
Cropping - To trim the ear leather and cause ears to stand erect
Crown - The topskull; the highest part of the head
Cryptorchid - A male dog with neither testicle visible
Cull - The process of eliminating undesirable characteristics
Culotte - The long hair on the back of the thighs
Cur - Any dog which curs out, or any breed of dog except a game pit dog; an inferior dog
Cur out - To quit from a lack of gameness
Cushion - Fullness of upper lips
Cutter - A term for the canine teeth taken from many years of use with gamecocks. Neither dogs or gamecocks have a cutting action. After the permanent canines cut through the gums, they are frequently examined for bite and condition
Cystitis - A disease of the urinary tract which is characterized by infection and inflammation in the bladder
Dead Game - Lifelessness from a courageous, dexterous, obstinate, spontaneous mode of action
Dee Ring - A device attached to a collar for attaching a bull snap
Defacate - To pass stool
Dehydration - An excess fluid loss of minerals known as electrolytes. Fluid therapy is needed
Demodectic Mange - Red Mange; Demodex; a hereditary skin condition caused by a parasitic mite living in hair follicles, causing patches of hair loss
Dermatitis - Inflammation of the skin
Dew Claws - The claw on the inside of the legs just above and behind the foot; meat claw
Dewlap - The loose, pendulous skin under the throat
Diet - A selected assortment of foods designed for a specific purpose
Distemper - A high mortality viral disease, highly contagious, which spreads through secretions of nose, eyes, or direct oral contact, similar to the germ that causes measles in people
Dog Pit - An area of specific dimensions for the betting, holding, testing, and viewing of fighting dogs
Dog Skin - Leather made from the hide of a dog
Dog Trot - A gentle trot
Dogue De Bordeaux - A purebred of Bulldog and Mastiff resembling the character of the original Bullmastiff; a Bordeaux Mastiff
Drag Fight - During a contest when dogs spend long intervals out of hold
Drain - A means of providing a discharge of fluids from a wound
Drop Ears - Ears that lay flat and hang down past the leather of the button ear, known as miscarried ears; opposite of fly ears
Dudley Nose - A flesh colored pigmentation of the nose
Ear Mange - Otodectic Mange; ear mites suck lymph fluids through the walls of the ear canal causing infection. A brownish smelly ooze is present deep down in the canal
EBA - Endangered Breed Association; an organization of the American Dog Breeders Association for the support of American Pit Bull Terriers and other breeds being discriminated against
Eczema - An inflammatory skin disease caused by sensitivity
Edema - Tissue swelling due to escape of watery fluid from the blood vessels
Elbow - The joint between the forearm and the upper arm
Elbows Out - Turning out or away from the body, not held close to the sides
Epinephrine - A product of the adrenal gland capable of raising blood pressure
Ewe Neck - Curvature of the top of the neck
False Pregnancy - All the signs of a real pregnancy
Fancy - A fancied, not ordinary coat color characterized by variety
Fanged - When a fang has penetrated a dogs own lip and is stuck there
Fangs - The four large teeth in the front of the mouth known as canines
Farmed Out - The placing and agreements of a dog at a different location or yard
Fawn - A dark buckskin; extremely pale yellowish-brown; isabella; wheaten; originally known in Europe as fallow
Feces - Material passed by the rectum
Femur - The large heavy bone of the thigh
Fiddle Front - Forelegs out at elbows, pasterns close, feet turned out
Flank - The side of the body between the last rib and the hip
Flare - A blaze that widens
Flat Sided - Ribs not properly rounded as they meet the breast bone
Flea - A common parasite found on the skin that lives by feeding on blood, causing itching and scratching
Flirt Pole - A long lighter weight pole used to exercise, condition, and shape a dog by attaching hydes, knots, overalls, tire tubes, etc. to a rope and manually operating horizontally in a circular motion, up and down; a manually operated cable or rope running along a 90 degree post or 45 degree angled post with attached hydes, knots, overalls, tire tubes, etc. hanging from the end and pulled up and down from the opposite end
Flying Ginny - A catmill; horsemill
Forearm - The bone of the foreleg between the elbow and pastern
Foreface - muzzle
Fracture - A break in a bone
Front - The forepart of the body as viewed from the front
Frostbite - Dead tissue as a result of extreme cold
Furrow - An indentation or median line down the center of the skull to the top skull
Game - Courageous, dexterous, obstinate, spontaneous; bravery and heroism from a noble and self sacrificing devotion; a contest lasting until a result is obtained
Gamedog - A proven game, deep game or dead game fighting dog
Gameness - A very hard to obtain, courageous, dexterous, obstinate, spontaneous grade of game. Once obtained it is very hard to hold onto. Once lost it is impossible to obtain again, except through sheer luck occasionally or many years of breeding, conditioning, and culling
Gamester - A person who makes a business of gambling
Game Test - To test the degree of gameness by consecutively rolling and scratching a dog after tiring, to a fresh dog
Gastro-enteritis - Inflammation of the stomach and intestines
GDR - Game Dog Breeders Registry
Gene - A determiner in a chromosome having an important part in the transmission and development of inherited characteristics
Genetics - The mechanisms of heredity, sex determination, variation and the transmission of inherited characteristics among similar or related organisms
Genotype - An individuals hereditary makeup as distinguished from the actualization of the genes
Gestation Period - The duration of normel pregnancy in the dog, about 63 days Gland - An organ composed of secreting cells
Gonad - A reproductive organ; an ovary or testicle
Goose Rump - Too steep or sloping a croup
Grand Champion - GR. CH.; recognized on paper as winning a specified amount of contract matchs, more than a champion
Grinder Bite - When the dentation and jaws meet exact; level bite; pincer bite
Grizzle - A bluish-gray color; iron-gray
Handle - To manage a pit dog in a pit contest; the tail, looks similar to a pump handle and has a hand grip after the root, in line with the croup. Once held to start and stop a contest
Handler - A person who manages a pit dog in a pit contest
Hangers - The large teeth known as canines
Hard Mouthed - A dog that bites hard leaving marks on the opponent
Hard Pad - A virus that attacks the skin of feet and nose. A form of distemper
Hare Foot - A narrow foot
Harness - A means for working a dog that usually attaches around the brisket, chest and neck areas
Heartworm - Adult worms live in the right side of the heart, heart valves, lungs, arteries, and veins. Death can occur. It can be diagnosed through a blood test. Prevention is recommended
Heatstroke - Dazed condition, rapid breathing, temperature, vomiting, and collapse caused by exposure to excessive heat
Height - Vertical measurement from the shoulders or withers to the ground
Hemorrhage - Profuse escape of blood from a blood vessel; bleeding
Hepatitis - A sometimes fatal viral disease characterized by hepatic and generalized endotheliall lesions
Heredity - The transmission of characteristics of the progenitor
Hooked Up - An agreement or contract for dogs to match into each other Hookworm - A small thin worm that fastens to the wall of the small intestines and draws blood from the intestinal wall
Hock - The tarsus bones or lower joint of the third leg; heel
Honest Bulldog - A game American Pit Bull Terrier
Hot Spots - Quarter shaped spots of infection on a dogs skin characterized by a crusty or raw appearance
Hucklebones - The top of the hip bones
Humerus - The bone of the upper arm
Hypovolemia - A severe loss of body fluid, body fluids must be replaced immediately
Inbreeding - The mating of closely related animals
Incisors - The teeth between the canines in the front of the mouth used for dividing and separating
Intravenous - Injection into a vein or veins
Intravenous Fluid - A solution for treating dehydration, injury, shock, etc., such as saline or lactated ringers
Jackchain - An endless chain formed like a figure 8 for moving logs, furnished with projecting dogs
Judge - An experienced person appointed to decide or pass judgement at a pit contest. He must understand the pit rules agreed upon Keep - The housing, method, and place of managing and conditioning a dog, and the dog Kennel - A dog house or shelter; a place where dogs are bred
Kennel Cough - A highly contagious disease causing a harsh spastic cough that spreads quickly
Kink Tail - An abruptly bent tail, appearing broken
Lactation - The period of milk secretion
Layback - A receding nose and undershot jaw
Leather - The flap of the ear
Leptospirosis - A dangerous and bothersome viral infection because it affects many organs before lodging itself in the kidneys Line Breeding - The mating of related animals less closely related than inbreeding

The list goes on but the glossary is not as neat after these terms so heres a link to the rest:

Enjoy! CA
3  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Stillwater Kennel Supply Co. on: March 26, 2012, 10:45:56 am
Hey there ETHdoggers,
Just placed an order with Shane over at Stillwater Kennel Supply. Great guy, great customer service and products that appear to be top notch quality for an affordable price (very affordable!); with many game dog reviews on all the game-dog websites. Supposedly second to none for chain spots and tie outs, and as far as versatility and durability go, very few compare. As soon as my collars arrive ill see if i cant post some pics.
4  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: A great analogy for even us hunters to understand! on: March 16, 2012, 06:40:49 pm
Great post!
5  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Ya remember pass it on on: March 10, 2012, 06:04:08 pm
I like this thread, ALWAYS WILLIN to help. North florida doggers dont be strangers pm me. I dont have much but if ever in need let me know and i can always help out. (leads, food, wormer, shots) .
Cody A
6  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Sams Club??? on: March 10, 2012, 10:16:48 am
Bag of kirkland chicken and rice ( i believe 27/18) ;wheat corn and soy free is 26.99. I bought a bag last weekend, im lucky i only have 2 chiteaters. Same stuff as diamond naturals, i think my dog does better on the costco stuff and its 5 dollars cheaper. Dogs look and act great. Id hate to feed a kennel dog food prices so high.
7  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Dog Feed % on: March 08, 2012, 03:01:35 pm
Thank you,
8  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Raising an Amerigo... on: March 08, 2012, 02:59:49 pm
Socialization and repetition are all thats needed. That is a gorgeous pup you got there.
9  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Dog Feed % on: March 08, 2012, 11:12:29 am
Keep in mind that the guaranteed analysis posted on feeds is a MINUMUM guaranteed analysis.  When actually tested by the lab, feeds will almost certainly test higher in fat and protein.
Thats good right?
10  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Dog Feed % on: March 08, 2012, 10:01:46 am
  Ok On the topic of feed, first I say to each his own. Next feed what your dog does well on and besides having a meat product as the first ingredient, and no split ingredients (ie. having corn named 6 times in one ingredient list as to appear as not being the first and main ingredient: corn, ground corn, corn gluten and corn dust. So it actually is probably the main ingredient as opposed to truly meat based) Also mixing foods has been said to cancel each other out but it is a common myth. Many dogs just dont do well on the variety of foods (gas, and the runs), but once the dogs are used to it they do fine. Logically and from the perspective of the way a dogs digestive system works: nutrients necessary over said amount of time equals a dog thats healthy. If both foods are sold then they are both 100% nutritionally balanced and there for  if the kibble is uniform and not like kibbles and bits then each bite contains 100% of what a dog supposedly needs, mix away but dont get carried away, its probably better to just switch foods to ONE thats affordable; bloated and gasy bellies dont like to hunt hard.
11  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: more slender and light wieght pit on: March 03, 2012, 07:19:50 pm
Dont cull the boxer looking ones, send them here, only cull the ones that wont perform.
12  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Whole new meaning for Weenie Dog on: March 03, 2012, 12:07:41 pm
His name is Richard...
13  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: TO THE SOB THAT SHOT MY DOG on: February 06, 2012, 09:51:18 am
My condolences. So sorry. RIP to the fallen warrior!
14  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: South Carolina Police doing it hog dogger style!!! on: February 04, 2012, 11:11:52 am
Yes he was clearly a criminal, yes he clearly offended every officer out there. Yes he may have endangered countless lives, but when he was surrounded by fifteen officers and he was on the ground he no longer needed to be bitten or punched continuosly in the face. After he is on the ground he can be subdued rather easily and pain free. I am a martial artist and have been training for nearly 12 years, if i was to apply the amount of force those officers applied after my opponent taped, consider my ass fined out the wazoo for unsportsmanlike conduct, just like these police should be thrown out for un cop like conduct. We depend on these cops when were in danger and it would feel good if they stayed within there rights and not punish people they see commit crimes because that is NOT THE TYPE OF JUDICIAL SYSTEM we have in the USA. Cops arrest people using what force is necessary and then they get there punishment from a judge, their "power" stops there, alot of these cops feel unimportant because people verbally abuse them so they get anger and go on power trips, all i have to say is that people who are affected so easily by others immature antics should have no right to hold a badge, you need to be a well collected individual imo. I showed this video to my mother(lawyer) and she said the only thing that was wrong was the uncontrolled dog attack, with that being said that dog could cost the city millions depending on who that person was, personally HE MOST LIKELY DESERVED WHAT HE GOT, im not fighting that but i could definitely see the loose control these cops had over their emotions and i could see them loosing control over a much more minor situation. Also that dog has a high prey drive and is completely uncontrolled. Where was his release command if, he's gunna where a badge he better be a little better trained then a pitbull from the ghetto with only a bite command and no letgo. The cops were simply embarrassed and upset that the perp held his ground for so long. So that was their way of saying bad boy, when in reality he should have just been hit with 25 more felony charges that now because of the cops stupid self punishing actions could and should get dropped.
15  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: South Carolina Police doing it hog dogger style!!! on: February 03, 2012, 10:41:34 pm
i highley suspect that the last thing on those officers' minds are how they are going to look on camera when the smoke clears.

that situation could have been handled a thousand different ways including how it was handled.
it could of have had as many different outcomes.
judgement, training, and experience in the field is what determines those outcomes.
you do not gain judgement and experience in situations like these without partaking in them.
which is why there are cameras installed. when the smoke clears, superiors reveiw the situation and decide wether or not it was handled accordingly.  the men that did well get a pat on the back. the men that did not do so well get reprimanded, retrained, or fired.

i'd bet the dog handler falls in the latter of those two catagories.

Well said. I hope your right...
16  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: South Carolina Police doing it hog dogger style!!! on: February 03, 2012, 07:07:35 pm
NO American should be treated with that amount of force. Clearly theres a fine line between to much and just enough. The police have the final decision because its THEIR life being threatened. This is brutal to say the least, this type of police brutality needs to be dealt with by the same measures that you or i would be held against in a self defense case. Also id say that dog's handler needs to be fired. That dog on the other hand was a beast and given the proper handler; he could be a WELL trained assassin. Sorry for the rant, its just pigs like these that make you question how much your rights really mean (Ie.cops overwhelmingly get acquitted from brutality charges). Fair is fair, dont beat me while im down son. Handling there emotions with the restraint of 5 year olds puts a very bad face on our Amazing law force agencies that as a whole would not accept this behavior.

So, if somebody put you in a life threatening situation, whether you were a police officer or not, would you beat the number two out of them? The man in the video obviously had no respect for authority, do you think he think he should be treated with respect?

Indeed i would. That is why i am not a police officer. To serve and protect implies a certain dignity and moral standard that should be employed and carried out by law enforcement. Im not saying that man didnt endanger the police but once he was subdued there was no longer a threat and as a law enforcement officer you have to call your own personal anger off. If you cant control yourself dont be a cop! If you or i were videotaped with 15 of our buddys as we were "subduing" a single attacker, believe me we would end up in jail for attempted murder. If our dogs attacked even a rober we could be charged with battery with a  deadly weapon. please some cops are just plain scum, a majority are good though. Without good cops we would live in a state of war.
17  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: South Carolina Police doing it hog dogger style!!! on: February 03, 2012, 03:25:34 pm
NO American should be treated with that amount of force. Clearly theres a fine line between to much and just enough. The police have the final decision because its THEIR life being threatened. This is brutal to say the least, this type of police brutality needs to be dealt with by the same measures that you or i would be held against in a self defense case. Also id say that dog's handler needs to be fired. That dog on the other hand was a beast and given the proper handler; he could be a WELL trained assassin. Sorry for the rant, its just pigs like these that make you question how much your rights really mean (Ie.cops overwhelmingly get acquitted from brutality charges). Fair is fair, dont beat me while im down son. Handling there emotions with the restraint of 5 year olds puts a very bad face on our Amazing law force agencies that as a whole would not accept this behavior.
18  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: sorry no good people on: January 29, 2012, 10:37:13 am
Some people are too coward to raise they're hand to one another. Dispatch that fellow if he comes in....
19  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Dumping dogs on: January 26, 2012, 09:07:38 pm
People dump dogs because the county or city has no rescue group, they figure its better to dump them than to take them to a killing city or county pound, it happens every day and its a reflection on todays society on the way we take care of the most needy animals and humans.  Where i live right now they go to the pounds around here and trade a hog for free dogs to toss into a hog race, we regularly see 1 or 2 every month trying to dig into my ranch or up here next to my kennel, its horrible to have to run them off and then see them run over on us 181 2 or 3 days later into a tortilla, the owners need to be bull whipped in public but it wont happen in my lifetime, this country has killed 50 million unborn children thru abortions, why would a dog matter???lol  Pretty soon they will be coming for the old dogs and hogdogs and next it will be the old geizers like me to dispose or leave laying in the woods for hog or yote bait.  Come to think of it I have not seen a hog dog rescue group on this site, is there anybody somebody can take dogs to so they dont have to be put down or dumped??  I will donate $100 if anybody ever gets a legit irs approved rescued hog dog kennel going??

Dog dumping is WAY worse then abortion. I would whip a dog dumper and i would comfort someone who had to have an abortion. People who are to weak minded to cull a dog somehow justify dumping, that amazes me.
20  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Dumping dogs on: January 25, 2012, 09:14:42 am
I have such a high respect for people like you! I couldn't agree more. People need to have some humanity.
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