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1  THE CLASSIFIEDS / CLASSIFIED ADS / Re: hog hunting stuff on: July 06, 2009, 07:06:30 pm
 200$ or trade    936-697-4636
2  THE CLASSIFIEDS / CLASSIFIED ADS / hog hunting stuff on: July 06, 2009, 07:05:01 pm
chaps   med catch vest    2 collers   2 reels  mule tape and lead                                                                   

3  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: Mule footed hog... on: November 26, 2008, 12:46:53 pm
did you salt and dry his feet? i had a friend that had ALOT of hogs feet he just salts them and drys them.
4  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Re: Catch Dogs For Sale on: November 10, 2008, 05:56:05 pm
got any pics
5  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: somebody poisoned my buddies dogs on: November 06, 2008, 02:39:31 am
there are some people that it could be hog hunting is not the most popular sport in my area we have had animal control called out countles times but the animal control guy said there is nothing wrong with them and when they stoped coming is when our dogs end up dead
6  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Re: selling out on: November 02, 2008, 01:46:24 am
where you at
7  THE CLASSIFIEDS / CLASSIFIED ADS / Re: Got Cutvests on: August 21, 2008, 05:09:06 pm
hope im not cuttin n but how much for the eliminator
8  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Re: cross bred pups for sale on: August 14, 2008, 03:17:10 pm
what is the location  of the pups
9  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: Good hunt 1-11-08 on: January 13, 2008, 08:57:37 pm
some good lookin dogs yall got there looks like yall had fun
10  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: RIP Meaty on: January 08, 2008, 08:01:43 pm
sorry for your loss it hurts to lose any dog but a huntin buddy... its a pain i hope most people never have to deal with alot of people dont understand our sport our heritage they think we starve and beat our dogs but if they knew the truth most of us would do anything for our huntin buddys i know i would

all give some some give all RIP meaty
11  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: First hog of the new year on: January 04, 2008, 09:10:33 pm
nice lookin pics looks like fun
12  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: dixie has gone home on: November 13, 2007, 10:51:23 pm
she was the smallest dog with the biggest heart she will be missed but shes up there with buckshot given em hell
13  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / dixie got it on: November 07, 2007, 07:47:52 pm
dixie our red nose ran this sow for about 400 yards when we got there she and the pig were out in a pond she brought the damn think right to us

14  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / Re: Big Barrs on: November 05, 2007, 04:52:20 pm
we got on my first barr like a mounth back he was a hard runner
15  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Re: Dog & pups for sale on: October 24, 2007, 10:05:01 pm
sounds like some good dogs you still got any of them cat x bulls left
16  HOG & DOGS / DOGS ON HOGS / ALL DOGS GO TO HEAVEN on: October 24, 2007, 02:32:30 am
R.I.P buckshot call him buckshot tuff skeens cause he walked out the woods that day he died doing what he loved and it took a biggin to do it WE WILL MISS YOU
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