I have a yella gyp that I need to get rid of not because she is a cull just because I'm going back to my original blood and she isn't part if that she is a year old she knows what a hog is and has seen several in the woods she will bay and last time she saw a hog she was straight catch tho I don't have time to work with her cause I'm putting the old blood line top priority I don't sell dogs often and I don't sell culls if I didn't see potential she wouldn't be on here for sale first $150 takes her if you don't like her bring her back she has been bred once on accident she did a fine job raising the pups so that's not an issue either
hunterwilson0529@yahoo.comText or call 713-244-4640 I'm located in Hemphill Texas I will meet somewhere but I'm not gonna spend as much money in gas as the dog is worth
Yella Gyp in between bulldogs