Me and "the boss" took the dogs out yesterday to some planted corn out on a back road in took about 20 mins 4 my two strike dogs to pick anything first when i got out to turn the pits loose my running catch dog locked on and u could tell it was i just turned one pit loose for the fun of it....they were out 50 yards not far.....when i got there i saw everyone had a hold of it....but then i noticed my strike dog jack wasnt there including a i started to get away from the noise of all the dogs and heard jack and that pup baying 100 yards i started to go back to the pack to finish off the 50lb hog..when i reached for my knife and wasnt there......left my knife in the truck so i ran back grab the knife and my other catch dog dixie......when i got to the truck dixie knew where jack was so i turned her loose... i watched her with the flashlight and saw her get thrown back and then got ahold on the ear and seen her going around in circles ..then i was knew it was good size.....i ran to the little hog finished it broke the other dogs off and finally got the rest of the power there gf almost got cut cause she got to close when there only dixie and jack on it....but it was all over when everybody got there......jack got a nice cut on his leg and the dixie dog got several nicks here and there but nothing serously hurt....hog weight around 200 to 250 had 1 1/2 cutters on her its the biggest sow i ve ever caught with teeth.....