Hi Guys,
I just registered on ETXHD, but have been following the forum for about a year. I’m 28 years old, and hunt in Lavaca County. I have never owned a hog dog, but have been hunting my place for the last 6 years with a guy who always maintains a decent pack of dogs.
Due to conflicting schedules, I do not get an opportunity to hunt with dogs as much as I would like… Unfortunately, I live in the city, already own 1 non hunting dog, and therefore cannot purchase several dogs to make my own pack. I have decided to buy a puppy, and train it as “1 OUT” hog hunting dog. It appears that very few people in the USA embrace this hunting style, and it’s really more of Australian thing. Regardless, hoping this reach’s the right people, as I need guidance, and direction on the following:
•What type of dog available for sale in the US would best meet my unique needs? It appears that Dane crosses are utilized in Australia. Is this a hunting style that a CADO, Argentina DOGO, or pure bred Great Dane would excel at? I’m very interested in hearing from folks that use any of these breeds, or know of other crosses/ pure breeds that have proven to be successful operating as both as a short range strike dog, and catch dog… but with no help from other dogs
Now I’m very aware of some of the common concerns regarding this type of hunting style, so would like to clarify on the following:
•I understand it can be dangerous for the dog, but I have the financial means to provide the best cut vests and collars money can buy
•I understand that this hunting style does not work well in Texas because of the thick brush. However, I hunt on roughly 600 acres, and this primarily consists of open hay fields surrounded by small pockets of brush. We frequently hit packs of hogs in open fields late at night
Basically I’m ready to buy this dog, and looking for feedback or even phone numbers and names of people that have experience hunting this method, and know where and how I purchase this type of dog. I know I’m asking a lot, so feel free to call or email me if it would be easier to discuss over the phone.
Phone: (832) 259-2498