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GENERAL CATEGORY / BAY PENS / Re: Benefit hog baying on July 21st in Belmont Tx
on: July 19, 2012, 11:05:33 pm
We have over 25 Raffle items including a BBQ Pit and a trip to CanCun Mexico. The Raffle will be done threw out the day. We also have 40 Auction Items one being the 2 day room and board hunt with Dan Moody, and many other very nice items. Because it is a Benefit the entry fee is donated but 100% of the Calcutta is paid out and there will be some very nice Hog Dog Equipment given as prizes as well.
GENERAL CATEGORY / BAY PENS / Re: Benefit hog baying on July 21st in Belmont Tx
on: July 17, 2012, 05:22:09 pm
Just want to thank HalfBreed for his generous offer. This is Sandy Wills I am in charge of the Donations. Please let me know if you find someone to bring the pup I am sure it would do well in our auction as many ppl have been asking if there will be puppies for sale at the bay. You are welcome to Sale your puppies at the bay but we do ask that you make a $25 donation to do so. NO FOOD OR DRINKS ARE ALLOWED as this is a fundraiser, and we will have food and drink for sale. Thank you for your understanding. My # is 830-832-6788
GENERAL CATEGORY / BAY PENS / Re: Benefit hog baying on July 21st in Belmont Tx
on: July 17, 2012, 01:38:58 pm
The address to this bay is:15897 N St Hwy 80 Leesville Tx 78122 If you want to enter the Hog Bay Contest it’s $10 per dog. The classes are as fallows; Puppy, Young N Old, 1 dog, and 2 dog. There will be Hog Dog equipment and cash as prizes for 1st 2nd 3rd places. We will also have a pig scramble for the kids. BBQ Plates will be sold for $7 encludes, meat, 2 sides, drink and cake. There will also be an Auction & Raffle. Please Call Scott Trammell for more info 830-857-6002 or Sandy Wills 830-832-6788