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1  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Selling out!! on: August 03, 2014, 06:30:52 pm
I'm Selling out due to having to move and not being able to hunt my dogs.
I will only sell them as a group package. gear and all. all of these dogs are VERY LONG RANGE dogs, And The best dogs you will find for sale in this area.
1. Strike dog- (sugar) 4 1/2 yr old plott gyb. Best dog. Will not park on track. She will find you a hog. and will not stop until she does.
2. (Cutter) 2 1/2 yr plott male. Son of Sugar. and can hunt as good as she can. just as long range and has no quit in him. has a really good nose. I have had him on a hog by himself for miles.
3. (abby) 2 1/2 yr old BMC gyp. she can bay and find a hog on her own. will also go the distance for a runner and can shut a runner down.
4 (Case) 3 1/2 yr old Red Nose pitt male. The only problem I have with this dog is he pulls on the lead. He is just that crazy about catching hogs. He will hit ear/nose if available and will catch anywhere if those spots are taken. you will need a break stick for him.

Cut vest/cut collars/ leads for every dog, plus some.
Garmin astro 320 tracking system with 5 dc40 collars

-Kennel (optional) I will send pics of dogs and kennels on request.

Package deal asking 7000.00

 You can real me by email at Bfletcher222@yahoo.com or at 936-707-2086 call or text anytime. Serious inquiries only!
Offerring a trail hunt at my lease only. Located in Rusk, TX 75785

2  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Looking for Pit/Ridgeback pups on: November 16, 2013, 06:09:10 pm
I am looking for a rhodesian ridgeback/Pitbull mix to make a RCD/CD for me. I will buy anything younger than 1/2 yr old. Call or text anytime at 936-707-2086.
I will drive the distance for the Right dog. I do not check me email. Bfletcher222@yahoo.com. Located in East/central Texas. I will also needs pics of the dog.
3  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / looking for Rcd or finish cd (east texas) on: January 04, 2013, 05:28:05 pm
RCD or big CD call or text at 936-707-2086
Email is bfletcher222@yahoo.com (dont check)
4  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / Looking for Rhodesian Ridge back or cross with pit! on: October 31, 2012, 02:14:15 pm
 Looking for Male Rhodesian Ridgeback or cross with pit. Want big money for your dog? Then show me some papers. I'll take a pupuppy from hunting parents as well. Dont check email bfpitcher2@yahoo.com text anytime at 936-707-2086
5  THE CLASSIFIEDS / THE DOG TRADE / lives hogs wanted! on: August 04, 2012, 08:37:18 am
I'm looking for live hogs around the Tyler/lufkin area. Text at 936-707-2086 with prices or my email is bfletch9269@gmail.com (never check)
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