Stephenville, Texas (60 miles southwest of fort worth)
$100 a team. 4 man teams.
Allowed to hunt anywhere in Texas.
100- mountain lion
10- hogs over 300 lbs
10- coyote
7- bobcat
5- hogs between 150 lbs and 300 lbs
3- hogs under 150 lbs(five animal cap)
3- red fox
2- grey fox
1/2 - raccoon (ten animal cap)
Side jackpots for biggest animal in category- $20 per category
Hogs may be caught with dogs.
All animals must be called in using an electronic or mouth call. Animals will be checked for freshness and trap markings
No night vision, no separation of teams.
Each team will be given a hand signal and have to take a picture when the animal is taken with 3 of the 4 team members giving the signal.
55%- 1st
25%- 2nd
10%- 3rd
Sign in is at 12:00 pm on Saturday, August 18, 2012
Check in will be held at 12:00 pm on Sunday, August 19, 2012.
Any questions contact-
Barahogdogs@gmail.comWe would like you to text us and let us know that you will be participating sO we have an idea on how many to prepare for.
Meet at the old piggly wiggly in Stephenville for check in and weigh out will be decided then