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1  HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Transmission gurus on: July 16, 2013, 09:58:43 pm
I wouldn't do it you will be running into a lot of extra expense, like both drive shafts will have to be remade or buy new ones. I work at a transsmission shop and have ran into things that people have tried to rig up. It will end up costing the same.
2  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: How many new guys we got just starting out? on: January 18, 2013, 12:44:55 pm
I'm at Dickens which is 60 miles east of Lubbock.
i live in lbk but im in jayton pretty regularly if u ever need a hand I've got a couple dogs that need practice, call me or text , my name is chase8067733845
3  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: How many new guys we got just starting out? on: January 17, 2013, 09:53:09 pm
I just started puttin a set of dogs together a few months ago. I have a 10 month old cat that seems to be doin real good. He bays good in the pen and has found two by himself "in the woods" and has helped bay several others. Its kinda funny for me to use the term "in the woods" cuz I live in West Texas and we really dont have woods....ha    Other than that I have a female pitt that will catch, two yella pups (5 months old), a cat gyp that has helped some but really hasnt started huntin, a brindle male bulldog (about a year old) that will catch in the pen, but wants to fight the other male dogs, and three just weaned prospects, 2 brindle curs, and a pitxdogo.   Im lookin to find a couple good honest strike/bay dogs. Nothin fancy cuz I cant afford a surenuff barn burner. Any advice will be appreciated.. Thanks, this web site has been alot of help to me.http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq87/rowdyrhinestone/IMG_5612_zps5c1a1d09.jpg
what part of west Texas are u from?
4  HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: How many new guys we got just starting out? on: January 17, 2013, 09:17:56 pm
I just started recently within the last few months. I have always hunted but never with dogs. I have had my dog for 7 years and he has been the best dog I've ever owned, i bought him from the pet store for $40. Got into huntin with the dogs and  wanted to see what he would do so we threw him in a pen with a hog and he did great so we went out Sunday with a couple buddies and their dogs, which was mine and his first outing and he went straight to the bay and when we got there he was locked on the pigs face. Now I have also bought me a new pup and going to have some more fun!
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