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HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Puppy training help
on: January 18, 2016, 10:54:29 pm
First off I'm new to having my own dogs. I have two 5 month old pit pups both seen there first pig a few days ago and they tore that sucker up. Raised hell an caught the ears both hold on like champs and the pig is prob twice there size. After some research on here and reading how others trained puppies I decided not to let them catch it anymore till there adult teeth set in with that being said I tried to put them by the hog pen to get them excited they tear the fence up trying to get in so I got in the pen with them on leashes and they won't do anything on the leash I mean nothing but as soon as I let them off the leash they want that pig bad! How do I continue training without them hurting therselves by biting the fence cause the leash is a no go
they're ready for the woods I wouldn't mess with them in the pen anymore if I were you
NEWS AND UPDATES / TEXAS LAWS and BILLS / Re: Disappointing that can get no support from most untill we loose a battle!
on: December 11, 2014, 12:16:26 pm
Its going to be like everything else it will be illegal and we'll still do it just like the chicken fighters they still do it before we turn our heads we wont beable to put our dogs on a chain because of the ignorant people to stop this we have to all stand together but we should have done this when they were trying to take away the chicken fighting cause its the same idiots that took that away from us thats going after our hunting rights today we need the fisherman and all hunters to stand with us not just the dog hunters because if we dont all stand together theyre going to take it all away
HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Dog want eat all food
on: September 28, 2013, 10:25:06 am
give him some panacur for 5 days straight 1cc per 5 pounds then give him a trifexis pill after that. he should be good after that
HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Need advice for killing coyotes
on: July 03, 2013, 05:20:16 pm
Where are you? And how do you know for sure it was coyotes. 6 deer in one night sounds like a little much for some coyotes. Sounds like feral dogs killing for fun to me.
LOL dude u been watching to much tv its a proven fact that coyotes are fawns number one predator y would u say hogs, hogs are more scavengers and by the way bud broken glass and hamburger meat is the way to go with the coyotes poison isn't broken glass won't contaminate anything and it will wipe them out. Im sorry miss read that bud I agree with the dogs when I first read it I thought it said hogs SORRY
HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: Need advice for killing coyotes
on: July 03, 2013, 05:18:10 pm
Where are you? And how do you know for sure it was coyotes. 6 deer in one night sounds like a little much for some coyotes. Sounds like feral dogs killing for fun to me.
LOL dude u been watching to much tv its a proven fact that coyotes are fawns number one predator y would u say hogs, hogs are more scavengers and by the way bud broken glass and hamburger meat is the way to go with the coyotes poison isn't broken glass won't contaminate anything and it will wipe them out.
HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Puppies Dying
on: June 15, 2013, 07:59:05 pm
u worm the mother while she is nursing the pups have her up to date on her shots give the pups there first parvo shot at 6 weeks then 8, 10, and 12weeks they recommend 4 parvo shots now. Then keep them dudes wormed and u shouldn't have any trouble.
HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: In bad need of protection
on: June 14, 2013, 03:12:55 pm
lol poison and broken glass in meat is not the way to go . first thing would happen if I tried that would be my dogs to get out and kill themselves . plenty of folks looking for places to set up and call and shoot varmits for the pleasure of it . might help to thin them out a little . I love it when the yotes hit my chickens , puts me in full predator killin mode and nothing is safe .
If u want rid of them quick it is
HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: American hoggers
on: June 05, 2013, 02:28:51 pm
no kiddin hog dog mike I bet ive caught around 700 on one place in 5 years and the problem is still there dn't get me wrong the problem is not near as bad I trapped most of them the first year they came here when the hog market was good but I keep them down to a minimum number now we run them with dogs too.
HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Hound with other dogs
on: May 30, 2013, 11:55:23 am
You might need to see a walker dog run if you say hounds are slow! I can drop mine right now and its 8:29 and they will be treed and have a coon by 8:34 to 8:40 and be with in 500 yds to a mile mine ususally arw fast tree dogs unless they get on a teack were a coon has walked early.
I have a walker dog and by far no offense but he is the best looking hound I've ever seen in my life he will find a hog but barks every step and slow as hell and I mean slow he is hickory nut harry blood line and million dollar I should of just made him a coon hound but I was to busy chasing hogs he was silent when I first started hunting him then just one day he decided to bark on track and I mean every step and u tlk about a good looking hound I mean pretty colored as all get out but barks on track and slow as hell im sure there are some fast hounds out there but 95% of them are slow I have a few harry dogs got some lipper some rat attack tequila sunrise and sackett bred dogd i have 10 walkers plus the three running walker crosses all of them are good dogs. Yes hounds are a 50/50 shot in every breed there will be a good fast bluetick,redbone or black an tan. But when someone refers to a hound being slow they usually refer to a bloodhound. The slowest of all hounds. I have a sackett bred hound on hogs and boy can she run, she will run them for days. None of this was ment to offend you or anyone. But in the coon world walker dogs are ususally the fastest but all different breeds have there pros and cons. An people have their opinion. Only thing I can say is that i coon hunted for years before we had pigs around here seen all hounds work and 95% of them are slow and 99% of them bark on track not my style I like em silent.
HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / Re: American hoggers
on: May 30, 2013, 11:33:34 am
and they freaking speared it and they turned it loose right before they killed it my opinion if a hog is to big to be tied then he needs to stay in the wild I have no bragging rights to a dead hog and there hasn't been one to big for me to tie yet
HOG & DOGS / GENERAL DISCUSSION / American hoggers
on: May 30, 2013, 11:07:06 am
have you all been watching that show o creek killing a 200pounder calling it a 500 what happened to lady hoggers at least they wouldn't exaggerate the size of there pigs and they would catch sizable hogs and not all the B.S. the American hoggers make it out like the hogs are freaking waiting for us to step outside to eat us but ide like for them girls to know if they want to tie a lot of hogs they need to get ahold of me.
HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Hound with other dogs
on: May 25, 2013, 08:33:04 am
You might need to see a walker dog run if you say hounds are slow! I can drop mine right now and its 8:29 and they will be treed and have a coon by 8:34 to 8:40 and be with in 500 yds to a mile mine ususally arw fast tree dogs unless they get on a teack were a coon has walked early.
I have a walker dog and by far no offense but he is the best looking hound I've ever seen in my life he will find a hog but barks every step and slow as hell and I mean slow he is hickory nut harry blood line and million dollar I should of just made him a coon hound but I was to busy chasing hogs he was silent when I first started hunting him then just one day he decided to bark on track and I mean every step and u tlk about a good looking hound I mean pretty colored as all get out but barks on track and slow as hell im sure there are some fast hounds out there but 95% of them are slow
HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / plot and pointer cross
on: May 23, 2013, 11:29:52 am
I crossed a plot with my pointer these pups look good full of energy im afraid they are gonna bark every step I want silent track dogs the dad to these pups doesn't bark unless its hot track the pointer of coarse is silent all the way anybody have a bird dog plot cross if u do or know someone who does are they silent or they bark every step.
HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Hound with other dogs
on: May 23, 2013, 11:19:21 am
I was needing a dog with a better nose and I was thinking a hound I know most are open on track but I don't mind that do y'all think it would be better to hunt a hound with fast gritty dogs or what's y'all's opinions
a lot of them hounds are slow but for what ur needing maybe a half hound im more of a fan of half plots or quarter plots sometime half barks to much for me but most full blood hounds r to slow ive also seen some silent half blue ticks that would pick up a day old track and try some bird dog crosses they got some nose on them and the good thing about them is that they are silent.