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HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: You best breeding to date.
on: April 20, 2016, 03:37:37 am
Mr. Jimmy mike always talked the dog he got from you and I know he caught alot hogs behind it if that tells you anything ocenee
Believe me Hogman, this is a small world and I have heard all I need to hear about Jimmy and his dogs. Ha ha ha ha
HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: hog stoppers
on: April 19, 2016, 12:22:00 pm
My cassi dog in particular will bay about 20 ft away lol she and her sister are small 40-45 lb range and can get in there and grab a set when needed. They use to get shredded. I put a dang best on them and it made it worse. Now they done backed up and got smart. I've caught more hogs now then when they were cobs. Idk
Art never forget to pay FAR more attention to what you have seen with you own two eyes than what you read on these sites.
HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Dog caught hogs...Show'em
on: April 18, 2016, 10:59:51 pm
I will share a story on this thread if you guys don't mind since this kinda goes along with the loose vs Ruff discussion.
About 17 yrs ago I went to a guys house that I heard had a couple Youngs dogs for sale. He had a black gyps and a yellow dog both about 14 mths old. He went on to how the yellow dog wasn't very rough and wasn't coming along very good. Very honest guy. He then went on to tell me how nice the black gyps was. She was rough as they come and would find a easy hog and catch it as soon as company got there. She had only found a handfull. I remember asking him."how big does a hog have to be before she'll back up and bay?" He said "she won't, she is a bad huzzy." I personally didn't like rough dogs and still don't but I figured she would back up when I ran her with my looser dogs and she sounded much better prospect than the yellow dog. He priced the black gyps at 300 and 200 for the yellow dog so I spent the extra 100 for the better sounding prospect. Within 3 hrs of taking ownership of the bad azs little back female I had her in the woods with my dogs. Well sure enough one of my dogs bayed a pretty good boar about 600yds away and the black gyps and my other dog blew in that direction and sure enough as soon as she got there she started a fight and them three caught the boar. About a 175-190 lb boar with about an inch hanging out. He cut her and one of the other dogs but I knew he wasn't truly a dog killer so I decided to see how the gyp would do alone on a hog that could surely whip her back. I tied my two back about 200 yards and went back and released the hog in the creek they had caugot him in. He trotted down the dry Creek bed and I turned the female right behind him. He turned and plowed her and that was the end of her roughness. In fact she would not even go back and bark at him. The hog stood there in the creek and she stood on the bank by me. I laughed to myself and turned and walked back to my other dogs and she politely followed me all the way back to the truck. Now the moral to the story is tons of dogs look great in a fight with company and they can clearly win but hog dogs are the ones that keep hammering when there's no other dogs to turn to and the hog is too much to overpower. I called the guy back and told him that I felt like I had bought the dog fair and square a dog she was my dog but I would trade herror for the yellow dog. I didn't tell him why I didn't like her or what had happened. I just simply explained I would take the 100 loss and trade dog for dog and he agreed while saying "I'm telling you, your making a mistake. She's better than this yellow dog." Well the yellow dog got lead poisoning a few weeks later and I'm sure the black gyps mauled hogs with her buddies until she was finally killed, I guess. Who's knows? Now I have seen top of the line rough dogs and loose dogs so that has nothing to do with the overall quality of the dog but the alligators packs can hide a "pile on cull" for a long time if a guy don't know what he's looking for. JMO
HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Re: hog stoppers
on: April 18, 2016, 10:03:12 pm
I am flattered you spent your time re-reading all my old post. You will probably be a lot smarter now. I haven't gotten time to read back thru all you posts but I can assure you it's on my "to do" list. Ha ha ha. Listen I guess I'm gonna have to draw you guys a picture because your not smart enough to figure it out. THIS IS ALL A JOKE TO ME!!!!! I don't give a damn what is put on this site, I have my ways and I will do things my way. End of story!!! I get enjoyment out of watching mental weaklings get all stirred up and throw fits like babies so the sooner you guys start acting like I don't bother you the sooner I will get bored with poking at you. If anyone is basing their hunting and breeding programs after what folks put on these sites and not their own experience then they are in for a rude awakening. This is strictly entertainment and if you taking it to serious I feel for you. I learned this a long time ago. So hear is some advice, take 2 midol, put in a panty liner and call us in the mourning. Ha ha ha ha. Take care guys!
Awwww looks like i struck a nerve. Yep you really got me fired up!! I don't know how I'll sleep tonight. Look kid I don't get too worried about Internet losers. This message board stuff is nothing more than killing extra time and judging by the fact you have made 5793 posts on here you may need to get a life. Take care
HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: hog stoppers
on: April 18, 2016, 07:59:49 pm
I am flattered you spent your time re-reading all my old post. You will probably be a lot smarter now. I haven't gotten time to read back thru all you posts but I can assure you it's on my "to do" list. Ha ha ha. Listen I guess I'm gonna have to draw you guys a picture because your not smart enough to figure it out. THIS IS ALL A JOKE TO ME!!!!! I don't give a damn what is put on this site, I have my ways and I will do things my way. End of story!!! I get enjoyment out of watching mental weaklings get all stirred up and throw fits like babies so the sooner you guys start acting like I don't bother you the sooner I will get bored with poking at you. If anyone is basing their hunting and breeding programs after what folks put on these sites and not their own experience then they are in for a rude awakening. This is strictly entertainment and if you taking it to serious I feel for you. I learned this a long time ago. So hear is some advice, take 2 midol, put in a panty liner and call us in the mourning. Ha ha ha ha. Take care guys!
on: April 18, 2016, 07:47:22 pm
All you do is run other people down and talk moise on here. Ive been reading the nonsense you post for the past week, not a damn bit of it has been constructive, you take cheap shots at other members constantly and when they call you on it you completely change the are the absolute deffinition of an internet hawg dawger, you know everything about everything about everything.....clown.
on: April 18, 2016, 06:52:01 pm
Ummm last i checked catching a hog is the same as stopping him. You just love stirring chit. Completely worthless
Stopping a hog that is running away is an entirely different chore than mauling one that is standing still. And no I don't like stirring the pot, I just don't hold off if I have an opinion. The only problem with me is some folks don't do well when in the presents of someone with a spine. Maybe "public message boards" are just a little to mentally tough on some. Have you tried golf, it's a peaceful way to spend spare time I hear. And no one will say mean and hurtful things to you.
on: April 18, 2016, 05:03:08 pm
I feel the same way about them pine plantation thickets or any thick thicket for that matter no kinda dog I have ever seen ain't running a hog down in there that no matter how bad they want to the hog will have to want to stop if they stop in in there. I have seen and know there are some dogs that can run em down and put teeth i n em in open woods or field I have been around some dogs that is not fastest enough to do it there either.
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Nice to see folks with "reality" in tack. To tell the truth Judge and THD, you guys dogs aren't "stopping" hogs they are mauling them on sight. There is a big difference in dogs that find and bay hogs and dogs that find and catch hogs. Both work fine and it's up to hunter preference but the topic is about "stopping" hogs that run. I thought I was going to hear a out dogs that could run one down and "stop" him in his tracks. Anyone on this site can throw together a gang of alligators and maul hogs in places the hogs are thick.
HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: hog stoppers
on: April 18, 2016, 01:38:20 pm
So how do you dog Bay Judge or dog they just catch on sight? I can't have RCD's because my dogs don't just find hogs that are under my feet and it might take me a while to cover the ground to get to them and get control of the hog for their safety. I need to be able to control when they catch so I can be there. We are talking about "stopping" hogs, not just mauling them to death. By the way, were you suggesting my dogs are quitting hogs that run?
HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: hog stoppers
on: April 18, 2016, 12:33:19 pm
We hunt in pine plantations with black berrys grown up in them and they are thick as it gets. More than once I have entered a bay only to see a real good boar hog break and blow thru them berry vines and saplings so fast I hardly knew which way he went and it takes the dogs a few seconds themselves. This is a senerio I personally see no solution to. Now in open woods or fields the dogs can surely run one down and put teeth on him but in these thickets he is just gone in a blink of an eye and the dogs are to far behind to do much about it within seconds. On occasion they only go a few hundred yards and catch or Bay but I know for a fact my dogs didn't "stop" him and most likely he just just squatted and they found him again. There is a big difference in how some folks view their dogs work. I'm not saying some dogs can't physically run a hog down in this terrain and put teeth in his behind but I know mine can't so we just do the best we can. Often times if the hog has no intentions of stopping he will get away but occasionally we can out last him and wear him out and get him bayed but we've got to get a little lucky. That is about as true as I can tell it and I am very interested in this topic because I do see these running SOB'a as an extremergency inconvenience and would like to find a solution. Look forward to hearing what everyone uses to neutralize these hogs.
HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Breeding Better Dogs 101...
on: April 17, 2016, 09:30:07 pm
Well I can't deny I run my mouth. Glad you cleared that up about my dogs for everyone. By the way the folks that contacted me were DEFINITELY talking about your dogs. So I guess now you gonna beat me up? Ha ha ha. You are a work of art. Mental toughness is illusive around here. Toughen up big boy, my words aren't gonna hurt you.
HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Breeding Better Dogs 101...
on: April 17, 2016, 09:05:49 pm
Jimmie there are very few on this site that HAVE ACTUALLY hunted with me and my dogs. Now if any of them called you, I can GUARANTEE you they can't say I'm feeding junk. Now tell me how many have actually hunted with me and can say I feed turds? Just a number and don't lie! How many big boy? And yes that is me, stop making fun of my shoes they are in style.
Buddylee just because I speak my mind when I see BS posts is no reflection of the amount of hogs I leave behind me in the woods. I do not think I know it all but when I see what I think is BS I will call a feller out.
HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Breeding Better Dogs 101...
on: April 17, 2016, 08:01:25 pm
The funny thing about these sites is how small of a world it actually is. You see everytime I get into a debate on here I get countless PM's about the person I'm debating with. When me and you (Black Sheep) went around a few months ago folks came out of the wood works to tell me about hunts with your junky "finder holders." Now I can't place any value on hearsay but I will say it wasn't just a few folks that felt the need to tell me about you and your dogs, it was several! Now here me and THD are going around and guess what.......... yep not to many impressed with him either. I don't see why anyone would lie about past experiences with you or him but I figure were there is smoke there has to be a little flame.
Now having said that, tell us all how many folks that ACTUALLY hunted with me and my dogs have PM'ed you and ran me down? No need to identify, just tell me how many.
HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: You best breeding to date.
on: April 17, 2016, 07:47:14 pm
That must be were I'm going wrong. I don't make breeding I don't think will work. I guess I over think it. Had a breeder I look to pattern my program after (in ways) say once, "NEVER breed any dog (sire or dam) you absolutely would not be completely comfortable duplicating." That pretty much sums up my way of thinking. I may miss on the crosses I least expect but I think I'LL stick to his advice. Good luck
HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: You best breeding to date.
on: April 17, 2016, 03:57:34 pm
![]( Well there he is. The sole representative of my breeding program. Yep one ol' mangy mutt is all have to show for all my breeding talk. Now saying I'm hard to please when it comes to the breeding pen would be an UNDERSTATEMENT! I have found ONE female in 5 years I felt needed to be bred and I have bred her twice now. The first litter was only 2 pups. One cull and this dog. The recent litter is to young to tell at this point. Now where I got lost was were in the hell does one man come up with enough "breeding quality" females to make all the crosses you have made? All I read is how good this dog is and how good that dog was but I'll just tell ya, good dogs don't come along like you suggest and if you think they do maybe you haven't seen "good." Looks like you got your program going in the right direction. Thanks for starting anot her good topic.
HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Breeding Better Dogs 101...
on: April 17, 2016, 05:40:14 am
You can copy/paste all the articles you want and the fact of the matter is the father back you trace dogs the closer kin they will be. This article is referring to a very small group of men and dogs. There are thousands of men and dogs making up this breed now. This is common sense that they dogs in the beginning would be closed related. If you start with few and in the end yof have many the few had to be bred together as well as their offspring, thus making them kin. That is the argument and you are wrong so get on Google and copy someone else's article you know nothing about to try and make yourself look smart.
on: April 16, 2016, 09:45:53 pm
Oconee, you telling someone to shut up is rather comical.
Your right!! Shut up!!! Ha ha ha ha ha
HOG & DOGS / HOG DOGS / Re: Breeding Better Dogs 101...
on: April 16, 2016, 08:25:05 pm
Look kid, I have no ideal what you wanting from me and truthfully don't care. I offered to show the junk I have bred and that all I can do. This disagreement started when you said all dogs traced back far enough will not be kin. That is BS and I asked you to explain how a breed of 1000's evolved from 42 dogs and their ancestors are not kin. You have yet to explain your statement and have only ran your mouth since. Now I don't care if you every explain but at least shut up. Now some will say dogs were added throughout the history and I'm by no means gullible enough to think they didn't but your statement said "traced back far enough" well you can't get any further back than the beginning of the breed and I can guarantee you them first dogs were kin.