« on: December 17, 2009, 09:02:27 am » |
I am really ready for it to be over because I am a guide in the panhandle and I am sick of looking at and skinning deer.What really sucks is to be up in a stand with a guy and watch these monster boars not 20 feet from you wishing you could throw some dogs out on him and really have some fun.I did get on alot of pigs with my young dogs this week but all were small but one,I only had one CD and that wasnt enough to seal the deal.I need another CD really bad.I was having to make the hog hunts in between deer hunts and nightime but one of the hunters wanted to try some hogdoggin and was ruined after the first hog.He booked a 4 day hog hunt with my boss as soon as he got back to the lodge.This was the first time I have ever hunted these 1 yr olds by themselves and 2 of them acted like they had been doing it there whole lives,one was scared to death of the hogs but I am not going to give up on him yet.