guys, guys, guys
Circle C may not have been saying anything but i seen what the raider said and was like that is pretty funny. Then I used what I have seen in the past and developed an opinion. CRIME
I guess if not the majorities.
no phone calls are needed. i was under the impression that it was an open forum. ill leave my opinion at the door next time.
to the other guy you know why i posted what i did. i stand by my word and will never make a statement and then retract it to make it sound in a totally different tone. about getting defensive i dont remember asking about your friendship resume' with circle c , so i dont know where that came up. if my post doesn't make perfect sense to you i dont know what to tell you. besides re-read it and if that dont work read it again. i thought at least i got across what i wanted, but you cant please everyone i guess