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Author Topic: Strangest thing you have run across while hunting  (Read 39495 times)
Catch Dog
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« Reply #60 on: January 08, 2010, 11:19:07 am »

We've had several but the one experience that still gives me chills when I think about that morning in the woods.
 It was a beautiful and extra quite saturday morning, deep in the woods of east Texas' We were  standing around the truck listening for dogs to bay again. They had just bayed once and the hog broke so we were staying quiet and listening hard. All of a sudden we heard what sounded like a great big supersonic boom in the sky. It was real lound and the sound echoed through the woods.  We looked up and saw what looked like a ball of fire. A few moment later we saw something that looked like pieces of some object falling out of the sky.
We all guessed it was a metor or something... It was later that day we found out it was the space shuttle that exploded on re-entry and killed all the people on board. Pieces landed all over that part of the country, they are still finding pieces.
I didnt actually see any pieces on the ground, didnt really look for anything. At the time it never dawned on us what it was. I guess we were to interested in catching that hog and ignorant to the fact the space shuttle was even going to land that day or coming over our part of the world.
 To think about what those folks went through, if only for a few seconds and to see how many sq miles they found debris in, it  just still gives me chills to recall that and I can still hear that sound in my mind and see the ball of fire in my minds eye.

Daddy always said, Listen with ya eyes because  your ears will lie to ya..
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