Yup, Krystal, I've been a member at Backyard Chickens since we got the RIR as chicks. It's a pretty good place. But, I did get into it a bit with one of their members when I posted about my tire garden. The fella was from canada and some kind of environmentalist. He said I was going to poison my family because of the tires. He was trying to tell me that the chemicals in the tires would leach into the veggies. I say bull puckie. I called him out on it. He didn't like it and neither did some of the folks from Kalifornia who chimed in to support him. Anyhow, I found out quick that some of them folks are liberal wackos who don't like rednecks. So, I ain't been back there in a while.
I found a better site with friendlier folks, who are mostly ALL from TEXAS! Here is a link.
http://petchickensoftexas.com/community/forums/ Some of the folks on this site were from the Backyard Chicken site and they referred me to the Texas site when I got into it with the durned liberals. Hope ya like the forums there. They are some good folks.