cward we have been hunting off horse back lately and love it! just dont loke that the bulldog has to walk the whole way! then get on a good hog and is tired. do you carry your dog on the horse with you?
I know this wasn't directed towards me but thought I would throw in my 2 cents anyways. My farrier's (which I go hunting with occassionaly) catchdog rides on the horse in order to keep him from wearing out but my cousins group has the catchdog (bulldog) walk beside the horses until they hear a bay and then they are gone. The weekend after Christmas I went with them and we caught 2 and traveled about 10 miles and the catchdogs were just as ready to go when we got back to the trailer as they were when we left it. Its just like anybody or any animal it takes some getting into shape in order to do it but they will eventually get there.
And if you couldn't tell already... we go horseback