Phillip, anytime Buddy you know you dont even need an invite... Just Busy. The horribble video was me and my flip, cool little thing but hard to use in a pinch, but heck these are the first pictures we have taken in ages were to lazy, much less video, I need to get a man purse for the woods!! we were going to let the dogs work and bay cause of all the pups there but when bob saw how big it was he legged it and it started to drag him, he has a bad back and shoulder be it that he is an old s.o.b.
so joe helped grab the other leg, when he stuck it it didnt even bleed so i tried to video and stab the biggest hog I have ever personally dogged at the same time while they held on and were making jokes about bobs bad shoulder he hurt jerking off. This isnt an every wkend hog for me like YOU PAUL & PHILIP...A-team