When is the time to give puppies parvo vaccine?
Beginning at 6 weeks and then giving a booster every 3-4 weeks until they are ~16 weeks old. At least that's the schedule we like to follow at the clinic I work at.
If you try to give the vaccine before 6 weeks you will be challenging the immunity the pup already has from it's momma, there isn't really a need to give it until 6-7 weeks of age when the mothers immunity in them starts to fade.
Parvo and Distemper are the only two diseases that I really worry about them actually getting but most feed store vaccines are a 7 in 1. Coronavirus and Leptospirosis are the parts of the vaccine that can give a vaccine reaction, even though it's uncommon, I'd keep some Benadryl on hand if you are using a 7 in 1 just in case

Hope that helps.