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Author Topic: Gift or Check  (Read 1190 times)
Catch Dog
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« on: February 05, 2010, 12:06:18 pm »


Don’t get me wrong.. I am not preaching against selling or buying a dog a pup. There are honorable ethical and moral ways to go about that. I know there are a few honest folks out there but more than a few who aren't. . Selling dogs is just not something that I have practiced for  the reasons stated above.
I would agree with you, to buy a dog or pup a man needs to do his homework properly and do his due diligence then pull the trigger one way or another. I would be the same way and have, No way would I ever buy a started or finished dog without doing my homework and due diligence as well as trying the dog, not once but several times.  Any dog can have a good day or bad, besides I judge dogs by patterns, not any one thing usually.  If I did, I would understand and expect, I own him whatever the results. If ever chose to sell one, it wouldn’t be without them doing the same things I would do and having the same opportunity. I'd tell them, listen with their eyes. Listen with their ears to nothing. . Because when they left with him, they'd own him.
A discussion for what that homework and due diligence is or should be, might be a good subject for someone to start sometime.

I’d be the same way selling pups, you own him when you leave.  That I think is the fairest for all concerned, buyer and seller. Same thing should apply, buyer should do his homework and due diligence before he pulls the trigger and not listen to a nothing with his ears.
Tell me what guarantee is really fair to seller as well as the buyer besides that.  I mean I have seen that discussion on forums, some on here recently and haven’t seen one that I thought was really fair to all concerned other than you leave with him, you own him. Take them one at a time, investigate it, think about each one, break it down, look for the angle and put yourself in first the buyers shoes then the sellers shoes. I realize some appeared to be fair and sounded good at first but as I thought about them, or in some cases knew for a fact it was not the truth or the whole story was not told, each one I felt was slanted one way or the other or full of holes. Don’t forget the seller can get the shaft just as easy as the buyer can many times .
I’d rather not comment too much about some of the recent guarantees I saw presented as forthright, fair and honest, someone will get angry.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 12:11:19 pm by skoalbandett » Logged

Daddy always said, Listen with ya eyes because  your ears will lie to ya..
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