« on: August 03, 2008, 08:42:15 pm » |
Put an E collar on him. Its a collar that is shaped like a cone and goes out past his nose, not sure if you can get it at a pet store or if you have to go through a vet (my moms a vet so i dont have to worry about that sort of thing) but it shouldnt cost much at all. Also if the wound will stay clean dont wrap it. it will heal faster that way.
Also if you can ACE him for ONE day just to get him off his feet. You will probably have to get that from a vet unless you have a "good" feedstore in your area that has that sort of thing. A little bute or something of that nature will help him with the pain too.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2008, 08:47:10 pm by TColt »