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Author Topic: sighthound crosses  (Read 2111 times)
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Boar Slayer
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Circle C Australian Shepherds

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« on: March 01, 2010, 09:31:44 pm »

The only thing I'm interested in breeding my purebred greyhound to is another purebred greyhound. I like the idea of the greyhound pits, but I enjoy what my purebred is. I love sending her to a hog across a 650 yard wide open pasture. If you have never seen one sprint like that in a real hunting situation, you just can't appreciate how fast they are. The track dogs don't seem as awesome to me after seeing the speed in a hunting situation. She is all catch on 100 to 150 lb pigs. A 200 with an attitude will back her up to bay, and that is fine by me. She is also trashy as hell, but it is usually just killing small furries and coons - not barking at furries.

Believe it or not, we have had to choke her off on occasion. You wouldn't think that needle nose would have a bite, but she does have some power.

Again, I don't have a breeding plan - I have a novelty and a pet. Not to mention, I can take my hog dog out in public and pretend to be hifalutin. When we are among mixed company, she is a "big game hound" which I use to course wild boar. When you put it like that, people are generally accepting.... would you care for crumpets with your tea?


At least I'm successful at doing nothing right. I guess it could be worse.
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