from: got2catchem on Yesterday at 06:42:52 pm
Congrats on the finish and good looking dogs. After hunting with ol Zerox this weekend, Im really starting to like them white dogs.
Yeah he made a really good hand. He sure is a fast sucker.
Thanks for the good feedback on Zerox, I think alot of him but you know I am going to be partial anyway, so to hear from other folks means alot.
Thank you Josh that buckle was a surprise to me, but my friend Ron's speech is what go to me :'(
Derick Thank You for being such a good sport all weekend, putting up with the nick names I gave you and all, but you know if I did not like you I would not be hunting with you! If it weren't you & Hudy, I would have called my dogs in alot earlier. I knew you two young fellas still had plenty of energy we could use up. THank YOU!