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Author Topic: Runners  (Read 10842 times)
Strike Dog
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« Reply #60 on: March 16, 2010, 03:55:55 pm »

ktchemwcurs apparantly you and some of the other people on here dont understand what i call a runner...a running hog 2 me is not one that you drop your dog out and he goes out there 200 or 300 yards and barks and the hog breaks then shuts him down another 20 or 30 yards and just keeps breaking, iam talking bout throwing your dog and he never laying eyes on the hog just trailing 10 or 15 min behind the hog in that wagon trot that hog get in it dont matter what kind of nut dog, loose dog, rough dog, one dog, or twenty dogs you have if the hog doesnt want to stop he is not going to stop thats when a dog with bottom is your only chance and 90% of the time you will get burnt, and whos to say that you didnt know you were on a runner and your dogs just wouldnt stick with him

Sorry I have not replied to anyone and thanks for all the good post. To start off with if I knew my dogs would not STICK WITH a hog then he wouldn't be in my kennels. You are right not understanding a Runner and I am sorry because my dogs strike a hog and they put everything in there heart to run(NOT TROT) the hog down. I have some long legged strike dogs and YES I HAVE BEEN BURNED but it is not more than once a year. I have a very high success rate because the places we hunt are infested with hogs and they are very large ranches. I apoligize if anyone thinks I was bragging on my dogs. IM NOT. I was just experesssing my opinion of hogs that want to runn in the places that I hunt.
With that being said, I hope everyone that has problems with runners will come up with a solution to stopping them. I voiced my opinion on what we do with runners. I am going on 25 years of catching 200 plus hogs a year and I still don't have good dogs but I sure have good enough dogs for me! Grin

Take a kid hunting,thats our dogs future!
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