« on: March 21, 2010, 02:33:53 pm » |
I just bought a Garmin and its the best thing I ever did for these medium range, driven, stay till hell freezes over dogs of mine. I know lots of people that have them and no one has complianed about durability that I have heard, of the ones I have hunted with there was no complaints once the DC30 came out.
Even in the hills here with just the rubber duck atten that comes on it i am getting a mile - mile and half on it if I get on top of a hill which are everywhere here. My ole 9 yr old took one 5.5 miles a couple nights ago, I would loose him at .75-1.25 miles drive to where I lost him and start over. It worked like a top and 1/4 the time of fooling with my old radio system maybe shorter than that. If you spend a dime and dont spend it on a Garmin you need to see a Doctor.