I couldnt agree more!
parker and raider54 you are both right! how you like them apples...lol.
parker if your line has the traits you are looking for you can stay within your line to get what you want. problem is like you said you may have to go through several litters to find what you want, then you have to breed that individual to their parents to get what you want. then in that litter you may not get ANY that show that trait so you have to repeat that breeding to get what you want again, hoping it shows. if you have a trait in your line that doesn't show prominently you have to do a lot of breedings to get what you want and most people don't have that time, so most people outcross to QUICKLY get what they want.
i use pitbulls because that is what i have the most experience with. if you take the eli line of dogs there are several different STRAINS within this LINE. if you take nigerino, this line of dogs produce dogs that are long athletic and really fast dogs. the eli jr dogs are bigger, stonger and have WAY more bite, the jeep dogs are more traditional in size and don't produce as much bite but are generally more game than either of the other two. three lines that originate from the same dog(eli) but you can't tell they are related by looking at them or by their traits.
some of the best pits of all time were father to daughter(we call that double bred), and some were triple bred(a pup whose sire is also the grandsire and the great-grandsire). when they are bred that tight you then have to go a realted dog that has an outcross in there also. this wakes up the blood when you do this. inbreeding is a great tool if you know what your doing. just going best to best is a great idea, BUT it has to be not just great dog to great dog BUT a great dog from a great line of dogs bred to another great dog from a great line of dogs..my last thing for everyone to think about is the ablity to reproduce. if you take a great dog that doesn't come from a line of dogs that reproduce then you are pissin in the wind..