We got our garden in saturday, we planted the cold weather stuff a while back and it stayed so wet that most of it rotted. This time it looks better, if we get some rain this weekend it will all be coming up soon. I haven't had a garden for a couple of years, so I had to break a new garden spot. I'm sure the bermuda grass will be bad this year, but I plowed up where I stacked hay last summer so the ground should be fairly fertile from the hay rotting on it all year. We planted onions, collards, and spinach a while back, then green beans, okra, purplehull peas, corn, tomatoes, peppers, squash, cucumbers, zuchini, watermelons, and some very late potatoes that should have gone in a long time ago but the day after I bought the seed it started raining and just now has dried out. Hopefully they will make at least some small potatoes to go with the green beans.
Here is a picture of me breaking the garden the old fashioned way. My horse Bully hadn't been worked in quite a while so we had some behavior modification sessions before we got to this point!