« on: April 17, 2010, 08:38:29 pm » |
he had a wingman that was the same size or a little bigger. we'll be back and try for him again. even if we don't end up with him, I think there's plenty of hogs to catch there.
it turns into some nasty mesquite and real big draws once you get off this field, but it's still open enough that we were able to get up on a hill and actually see the race every once in a while when they were running him. We'd see the hog run over a hill with the dogs behind, then in a while you'd see him come back with the dogs still in tow and disappear back down a draw. he got up on a road on the edge of the field and ran right by where I had parked my trailer. you could hear the dog in it start barking when he ran by.
LONESTAR WORKING DOG ASSOCIATION www.lswda.orgDiplomacy is the art of saying "nice doggie" until you can find a rock- Will Rogers