Those are some nice looking pups... The little gyp sure has grown and is pretty dang shiney. The brothers and sisters to her that we brought home from Chance's sure look and act nice.I bet some of em make it. These bay something all day around here.. lol I have a lot of confidence in Chance and his dogs. The boy knows what he is doing, he is one of few that i really respect his program.
I Thought you might like to see a picture of that litte gyps daddy. ( Bear) It was taken on a hunt this morning right after catchin a boar hog. He put a track job on that hog that any hound man alive would have been proud of.. As you can see from the scars, He's proven and been hunted hard. He hasent and still don't spend his life on a chain..He's a dog that loves to bay the big boys, almost jump over a pig to bay or go with the big hog.. I guess he's got the badges to show for it.. He's a real dog that honestly can and will do it all. When you free cast him or put him down on a track, you best want to go