« on: August 26, 2008, 06:25:23 pm » |
You might also want to consider a snake bite.....
I do not know where you live but is there a chance of her being bitten by a Coral Snake, Cane Break Rattle Snake or Timber Rattler? All three of those carry a Neurotoxin which would cause the neurological symptoms that you described.
The copperhead and the Western Diamondback Rattlesnake carry a hemorrhagic or hemotoxin which would not produce the same symptoms.
Assuming that it were a snake bite, It could also have been a Water Moccasin. Though the Water Moccasin does not carry a true neurotoxin, its venom does have strong neurotoxic traits which have proven to produce neurological symptoms in smaller animals including dogs.
Just a thought, I hope that you find out for sure.