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Author Topic: Just curious, who's run their dogs on other big game?  (Read 2617 times)
Hog Catching Machine
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« Reply #20 on: August 26, 2008, 09:59:22 pm »

 neat deal, ive always wondered if buffalo would bay, or if they would just run through the dogs. it makes sense though, for hundreds of years theyve been bred to get in a bunch and put the calves in the middle.the ones that didnt the wolves pulled down and eliminated from the gene i always wanted to rope one just so i could say i did. that is until i got a call to go catch 2 beefalo steers that weighed about 1600 a peice. they were the rankest ive ever caught, fast, and mean. they split and ran as soon as they saw us , all 3 dogs stayed with one and he went 3/4 of a mile before we got close enough to get a rope on him. ive roped alot of bucking bulls but not a one that was as stout as that one.  tied him down and went after the other one , found him in the edge of a thicket and run em out towards the truck , when we got him caught i t was 50 yds to the trailer and i was glad! we left the other one and lead him out the next day, had to cross 2 creeks  and go through a briar thicket. he had been at least 30 hrs without a drink and after all that he was still just as bad , crippled 1 dog cathing him and flipped a horse down in the creek leading him out. that evening he weighed1630 at the barn. dont really care if i never get to rope a buffalo after thatlol.
                                                                                    sorry for the long story, thought some might enjoy it.
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