Say you have this dog he or she is heavy line breed you cross him/her because you want to outcross to a dog that is like your in style/ability ect. same breed lets say BMC but no where can you trace the 2 together. how can you blend the 2 lines together without starting a genetic tornado that may not crop out the problems until 5-10 years later, or know that you wont blow all those years of work that has been done by close line breeding especialy when you don't have first hand knowledge of the aforementioned dogs parents, grandparents on the outcross you have chosen
I think that the easy answer is..... By immediately bringing the best pup from that outcross (theoretically 0 familial coefficient) back to your line.
Outcrossing is not just the act of bringing two unrelated dogs together, that is called random breeding. Outcrossing is the act of bringing two unrelated dogs, expressing similar attributes together with the intention of using the lower coefficient product to maintain the health and integrity of the line you started with.
Does that make sense?