Why is it that everybody always says runa vest? Vests are not the cure all for catchdogs. If a guy prefers NOT to run a vest that is his right. I don't and NEVER will run a vest on my bulldogs. I have seen too many over heat, and get hung up in brush to justify running one on them. I do run them on my DOGOs but they seem to handle the heat better and I have yet to see one hung up in brush. Now fences and bobwire are another story LOL.
I will get off my soapbox now LOL, but come on folks quit telling folks how to hunt their dogs. Just because you like and run vests does not mean others do.
So you vest up the Dogos b/c they cost more? I am confused. Pits get hung up in brush but not a dogo? I dont care what someone does with their dog, I am not the one feeding it.