when i was working with my boxer she was catching on the ear good. i got her on a very rough pig and she started catching on the jaw. After watching video on her doing both, she has a lot more control of the pig when she went to the jaw. i don't see her getting cut becuase she tucks herself against the pig. When he pulls away she turns him and when he try's to through back at her she tucks in closer. maybe the teeth thing will be a issue with time. i don't care to much where she catches but i see her having more control on the jaw. Agian i don't care really as long as she is doing her job. I think catching on the ear opens up there chest and vitals more being up over the snout, but that what i have personnaly noticed. With time i may change my mind but for now it seems that the jaw is the safest bet and added control, but that could be on a per dog basis. Maybe she has just really found her way and it works good for her, and maybe it would make things worse for another dog. JMO