I've had pups bay turtles before. I had to dig up one to find out what it was! lol.
Not exactly off-game but I had a gyp bay a tree one time. We were in a palmetto flat with hog sign every where and I had a young gyp bay hard not to far in it. I rode my horse on in and I saw what looked like the back of a huge hog sticking out the top of the palms. My horse seen it also and didnt care to get any further.
I figured it out when my other dogs come in to honer what she was barking at only to roll back out and hunt.
It wasnt a hog at all. Just part of the tree next to what we thought was a hog. lol. It grew out of the ground kind of like a horse shoe and then decided to grow toward the sky.
I didnt hold it against her. Besides. It had me and my horse fooled for a wile. lol