« on: May 19, 2010, 10:32:12 pm » |
Will get a pic asap. I need to look at the title for the year of boat and motor. They told me the #1 piston was bad, it is a Mariner 60( Made by Mercury I think). It also has a trolling motor and new battery that works. Needs new carpet on front and back decks but other than that it is ready to go. The motor ran last time I cranked it but it didnt sound good. I am no boat mechanic and dont trust most boat mechanics either, so I was just going to find me a good 50-60 hp motor and put it on there. It does have a trailer, no issues there either besides maybe some trailer lights but it has good tires and is in good shape. (817)559-7542, work nights in louisiana right now with sketchy service but try me.