I dunno about the weight so much as I prefer the leg on one. I have seen many pits and some ABs that dangled off big hogs ears, but have yet to see a DOGO have to do that. That is why I prefer them. A big hog can and will drag one dogo or any catchdog for that matter. Some hogs can do it with two or more(seen with own eyes and have witnesses) but most of the time those dogs do not have the leg under them a dogo does to plant and hold with. I have seen many a pit jump up and grab an ear, ball up, and hang on for the ride. Same with some of the ABs I have hunted with. I have yet to see that with a dogo. Again each to their own and preferance. I prefer DOGOS for their leg and ability to run with the curs and ability to handle the heat better then most bulldogs. That is my preferance. As I turn loose from where ever I hear the bay/catch at and run in behind the dogs. I do not lead in and need dogs that can handle their own untill I get there.
What I want to see is these super catchdogs that folks claim to have that can hold any hog by themselfs on a big boar/hog without human help right away. Let them run in from a distance and see if they do not get dragged from the orginal catch site or worse. Not saying they can not do it, but I have my doubts that they can. Atleast not without the handler/hunter being right there to help them.