Ninja, gotta hate those accidentally on purpose breedings
. For me it depends on which lickers your refering to first of all, second there are many ways to fix accidents. But I wouldn't let her go through the stress of carrying full term just to loose the pups either way
. And all BS and smiley's aside its all up to the ninja, decide what you want to do and get your vets opinion, the wrong advice could be dangerous!
Hey Alan,
thanks for the advice but I already have my mind made up about such matters. I am just interested in what others would do.
This thread has paid off too! Chance gave me a good idea for my neighbors problem. He had a weiner dog breed his chiwahwa.
Im going to post them on Craigs List as Ward bred Chaweinnie stock dogs and see what I can get for them.
My sales pitch is simple. Cow dogs that dont eat much and you can haul them in a saddle bag!