« on: June 14, 2010, 03:37:15 pm » |
Most folks I know with that cross either lead them in or dump them to a bay. You can try them as RCD's or get you more dogos. For my stop/rcd's I like cur or catahoula x ab or pit crosses. I am planning on running an all dogo pack soon. Maybe by grain season next year. We used to run nothing but cur x pit crosses and very rarely had a hog go very far on us. Most of the folks I talk to and hunt with still run these or rough curs to stop hogs. The hog I posted that by brother and them caught Sat. night was bayed and then caught an held by a cur dog untill more dogs got there. But this dog has caught and held 200 + pound hogs by himself before an then bayed 150 pounders that fought hard. I wished he would bay them more, but if the hog tries to break and run he catches like a bulldog and does not let go. We catch alot of hogs because of him that would other wise run to the next county.