I have been a couple different hogs that where cought right at 2 miles from where the dogs originally bayed the hog. One was last July and it had just rained and we were able to to see where the hogs track and dog tracks on our way to the bay and then it would brake and we kept following and following knowing is was a good size hog by the size of the track. We cought that boar and I still have his head, prolly didn't weigh over 180 and had about 3/4" teeth but he was an older hog and SMART and in my book was a true trophy. He covered ground back and forth and knew how to work his terrain. He cut 5 out of 6 dogs pretty dang good and almost crippled my brandy dog. I hate long races but there is something really rewarding about catching a hog that breaks and runs and then bays over and over. I also like to think that I am removing a bad running hog gene from the breeding pool
