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Author Topic: Educated Boar hogs!!  (Read 3450 times)
Cutter Bay Kennels
Hog Doom
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« Reply #20 on: June 29, 2010, 06:43:17 am »


Prisoners generally all eat the same stuff.  When on the old chain gangs, they often slept together.  How different are hogs from that bunch?  If you think a lot of these mountain lion guides are content to just tree any old cat, I think you would be sadly mistaken.  They are after trophy toms.  Spending time in the timber will teach a person some crazy things.  Dogs have a certain sense about them that will make one's head spin. 

As Chance said, these traits are often showcased by mature individuals.  Rarely, does a puppy show these traits off.  However, give them the time to learn, and if it is there to begin with, they will eventually prove victorious.  I also agree with him that often times hounds don't even use their eyes for prey.  They let the nose lead them.  Big difference.  I'm pretty sure if I shined a hog in a field, my dogs would not even see it.  However, if the wind was right they would most likely know it was there before I ever laid eyes on it.  They can rig off the box well.  I think you would gather a lot of valuable information to tag along with some hounds that can "Hue the line".  It is impressive to say the least.  I've personally seen them run by hogs in pursuit of the "chosen" one.  Good luck in your search. Grin

I'm sure there are plenty of books about bloodhounds in particular that would shed better light on the subject than I ever could.  Let me know what you find.   

"To me it is not always about the game you caught, but the memories you can't let go of.   Wink  " Josh Farnsworth
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