« on: November 02, 2007, 12:23:59 pm » |
Matt......I'll have to check that out at Gander. Rumor is the whole company going outside because of some finacial trouble. There might be some clearances if that turns out to be true. To me, it seems like who ever designed the transmitter was picturing some bird dogs in a cut corn field hunting pheasant or something. They have to realize that the hound hunters and hog hunters are the biggest part of the tracking collar market, not bird dog hunters. You would think that other telemetry companys would follow suit and come out with thier own GPS tracking collars. But would thier GPS uinit (receiver) be any good considering the other companys dont have experience with GPS, exp. compared to Garmin. I think it would be easier for Garmin to get a good GPS collar made than it would be for other telemetry companys to make a good GPS unit.