when you're bouncing off the roof of your truck or tractor where the hogs have been in to till up your pastures , you don't care if your dogs run boars ,sows ,pigs ,or shoats. You just want them suckers dead . Not sexed or barred or nothing but dead. I kill all I can and I cull any dogs I own that don't want to join me in the finding of wild swine.
I used to have a dog that preferred boar hogs. He would run one longer and just liked the challenge I think. He would sometimes catch a shoat and hold it for a little while and then just kinda play with it and eventually get bored and walk away. He would also turn one loose and go on hunting if he saw you coming.. But a big hog that would fight back he would stay on it all day . I think some dogs just like a challenge. If you loved to fight MMA but could only fight teenagers that were half your size after awhile you would get bored..
That dog was the best dog I've ever owned and I caught a lot of big hogs with him..