Not surprising.... small animal vets are crooks
Thats why I prefer the cow / horse "good 'ole boy" type vets. Not only do they tend to be much more understanding of our sport, but also don't tend to set their fees based on peoples emotions and love of dear little Fifi.
Having said that, my vet (whom I have a very good friendship / relationship with) charged me right at $275 back in June to extract the remainder of Zeus' broken canine. (The reason for the start of this thread). Not only did it take him quite a while to get that sucker out, he also used a product called "Consil" to fill in the lost bone area which is quite expensive. ($80 of the bill). Ask if your vet is using this product. Mine told me that if he did not fill the area with Consil, the bone would continue to deteriate around the lost tooth and eventually the dog would appear with a sunken jaw. Quite a bit of change, but who ever said this was an inexpensive sport...