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Author Topic: selling dogs?  (Read 2534 times)
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« Reply #20 on: July 07, 2010, 09:02:19 am »

Why so much for a good dog? It's like anything else, SUPPLY AND DEMAND. If all hog dog breeders only bred the best from line breeding and no exceptons then we would have a surplus of good dogs and the price would come down on good strike dogs.

If you do not have tons of money..... then one good option is to go and buy some high quality pups and train them yourself. I just bought 2 for 100 dollars each and the sire and dam are not for sale. The pedigree is awesome. I believe that one will make a good strike dog by how it acts and the other has a good chance. I had to see the sire and dam before buying the pups but also knew the dogs in the pedigree. The kind of hog dogs I want or keep are not for sale or they want an arm and a leg for them....

Another thing I found out when buying a dog never say beforehand what your looking for in a pup or dog because some sellers seem to have just what your looking for. HAVE THEM TELL YOU WHAT THEY HAVE OR BREED. If they can't tell you what you want to here chances are they don't even know what a good hog dog is much less be able to breed one.....

Training dogs is not about quantity, it's more about timing, the right situations, and proper guidance...After that it's up to the dog...
A hunting dog is born not made...
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