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Author Topic: So let's get real about Dogos...  (Read 25844 times)
Hog Master
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« Reply #100 on: July 08, 2010, 09:00:38 pm »

First,I am not a Dogo"hater" and really don't care about them one way or the other as I really am not one to tell others what ot feed and don't care what others feed if it makes them happy but since this thread is most all there is to read hear lately I will ask a coupple questions.

(1) How many on this thread are feeding "pure" dogos,how many you have and how long you been foolin with them (the breed)?  and how many are actually catching with Dogo's regularly?

(2) Why is it you seem to see so many Dogo's crossed w/ AB'S or APBT's ? is it to "fix" something w/ the Dogo's or a monetary thing were no other dogo was available so the Dogo owner went w/ an AB or APBT ?

(3) To the Dogo ownwers/breeders what is your cull rate and how many did you go through to get the working ones you have (assuming that if you reply you are hunting the dogs)  

Again,nothing against the Dogo as I stated before I have my own breed I like with it's own problems and challenges.

Been using them for 4 yrs, owned 3 culled 2 one was free and i got what i paid for, the other had human agression but hunted / caught great, not 2 mo. after going to my cousins she got over the human agression, she was 18 mo. old but it was to late to take the dog back. The one i am huntin now is great catches and holds very clean. So I am a rookie compard to most on this thread but have caught alot of hogs with dogos none the less,i have friends who use dogos regularly through the past 4 yrs and have hunted with a few more that were great dogs. Like all breeds of hog dogs i have seen, I have seen more dogos i would not feed vs ones i would feed. Hopefully us hunters change this, I am going to do my part, God willing.

All hog dogs are crossed up, there is no relavence to this statement....who know if they were not trying to impove upon the pit/ab/cat.??

I am not a breeder but if you can trace your dog back 5 generations and breed it to something similiar, your odds go up vs being a back yard breeder with pound puppies in my non-breeder opinion
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