(1) How many on this thread are feeding "pure" dogos,how many you have and how long you been foolin with them (the breed)? and how many are actually catching with Dogo's regularly?
(2) Why is it you seem to see so many Dogo's crossed w/ AB'S or APBT's ? is it to "fix" something w/ the Dogo's or a monetary thing were no other dogo was available so the Dogo owner went w/ an AB or APBT ?
(3) To the Dogo ownwers/breeders what is your cull rate and how many did you go through to get the working ones you have (assuming that if you reply you are hunting the dogs)
1) Right now I am feeding 4 dogos. I have been around and messing with the breed since '98 or '99. I hunt and have been hunting with mostly dogos since I started messing with them. I have said it in the past and will here again I do keep a good bulldog around due to being used as a brush weasel LOL.
2) I think the answer to this question is both. I know alot of folks and some who seem to frequent this board that think every dog has to be pit, ab, or have one or the other in it to be worth a damn. If it don't have pit or ab in it then it aint chit. Then there are those who have a good male or female dogo with no accesss to a male or female dogo to bred to, but have the access to a pit or ab. Hence the cross.
3) I have not bred a litter as of yet. Of the 5 dogos I have owned I have not culled any. Two were rescues and I wished I had them from pups on. One came from a good buddy of mine who hunts all his dogos and of the litter I know mine came from only one or two were culled. I have two now I just got. One was hunted by a member on here for awhile. The other is a year old pup, and if she does not show me something soon will be the first dogo I will have culled.