Silverton Boar Dogs
Mike, I am just starting to line breed this set of dogs, it took a while to find the perfect set of females to cross with Jessie. I would want to outcross with a Straight Catahoula. I would be unsure about adding a straight Plott back into the mix because I want these dogs to be dead silent. I would consider a Plott/ Catahoula out cross but there is a lot of genetic veriation in a 50/50 cross dog and I would avoid that if I could.
My Cat/Plott line is based off of three dogs. Jessie, Plott/ Catahoula; Cat, Plott/ Catahoula; Connie, straight Catahoula. All three dogs are unrelated but outstanding individuals, All will rig and all will cast, cold noses and great style. All with great speed. Flaws in these dogs: Cat hunts at a trot and therefore does not road well, but she is the fastest dog I own. Connie and Jessie are perfect dogs in my eye. That's just some background on the 3 dogs.
1st cross was Jessie/ Cat, keep all 4 pups 3 male 1 female. They are now 1 yr old. The 3 males are outstanding(Stolie being the best), the female is good but immature(like her sire was at that age).
2nd cross was Jessie/ Connie, I kept one female pup from this litter(placed two with friends), she is 4 months and as good a pup at this age as I have bred (Bella).
next planned breeding's, Stolie/Cat, son/mother, looking for a Male and female to keep and tighten up the blood. Jessie/ Connie, because I need a male from this pairing and this pairing nicked very well. Jessie/ Bella,Father/ daughter, if she proves herself, to tighten up the blood.
After these pairing I will look for one outcross with a straight Catahoula male out of Connie's line. ( I have two outstanding males, Frog and Bull, from a Punchy/Connie pairing that are making strong dogs that would fit this outcross if they are still alive).
I don't think I will add any outside Plott blood to this line, I want to keep it 1/4 to 1/2 Plott.
That's enough work to keep me busy for next few years....