Thank you for answering the question in a detailed manner. I was just curious if you had any criteria before breeding, about working abilty or if they just had to have papers.
My personal feeling is working abilty and temperment before confirmation or breed standards, as form will follow function but thats just my own opinion.
They are beautiful pups, best of luck with them.
Thank you uglydog... I love hunting, and will do so with other (good) dog breeds. But... I have a particular love for the Catahoula breed; therefore, conformation/standards come first then working ability and temperament. However, the work/drive/temperament is something I consider "my" conformation standard for them - so they are on equal footing. High standards? Yes, but I believe it makes the breed better in the long run for everybody. I hope that makes sense.
Thanks Pudge; I'm partial to 'houlas (obviously).
maybe you should just get a dogo they are all that AND a bag of chips
or so i have been told
My male cat will hunt his a$$ off but will eat a stranger that comes on the property. So I guess he is no good...
"just playing" good luck......
LOL catacrazy... haven't owned a dogo before - but I keep hearing they are awesome. I do like a BMC and Plotts too. I got no problem with somebodies dog protecting the house/property from a stranger. If they don't, I gotta wonder about 'em.
Anyway... thanks for the input y'all. If they make the cut, I'll keep y'all posted with pics of puppies:D